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Common Causes Of Raleigh Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are a severe problem in Raleigh, NC and can cause significant damage to property, vehicles, and people. The most common truck accidents involve overloaded trucks, semi-trucks, farm equipment, and tractor-trailers. Overloaded trucks are hazardous because they can be challenging to maneuver and can cause serious damage if they are involved in an accident.

FREE Consultations

Call us at (866) 907-1145 24/7 to arrange to speak with a personal injury lawyer about your case, or contact us through the website today.

Contact The Law Offices of John M. McCabe

No matter what type of truck accident you’ve been involved in, it’s important to seek legal help from experienced attorneys who understand the complexities of these cases. Our Raleigh truck accident lawyers have extensive experience handling all types of truck accident cases and will work hard to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries or losses. We will investigate all aspects of your case thoroughly so that we can build a strong case on your behalf. If you

What Causes Raleigh Truck Accidents?

Causes Of Raleigh Truck Accidents

There are many reasons for truck accidents, but a few are too familiar. These causes are (but are not limited to):

Driver Fatigue

Driver fatigue is a major cause of truck accidents in Raleigh, NC. These accidents occur when a driver falls asleep or experiences fatigue due to long hours behind the wheel. Poor sleep, skipping meals, lack of rest and back-to-back shifts are all common causes of fatigue that can lead to impaired cognitive performance and slower reaction times that can lead to severe accidents on the road. Driver fatigue is particularly dangerous in Raleigh due to the number of professional truckers who drive in and out of town as well as local delivery drivers who stay on their routes for 12+ hours at a time.

Truck Maintenance Errors

Truck maintenance errors can cause truck accidents in Raleigh, NC by not properly servicing brakes, tires, and other components of the vehicles. Deficiencies in these parts may cause steering difficulties or jeopardize overall road handling. Additionally, inaccurately checking fluid levels or overlooking warning signs may put drivers and other travelers at risk. The implications of missing maintenance can be disastrous due to the size, weight, and power of the trucks on the roads surrounding Raleigh, NC. Worn tires with thin treads can lead to slipping and skidding in wet or icy weather conditions leading to hazardous outcomes for all involved.

Poor Driving Conditions

Poor driving conditions can increase the likelihood of truck accidents in Raleigh, NC. For example, wet and icy roads can significantly reduce braking reaction times, making it much harder for drivers to brake in time to avoid an accident. Reduced visibility due to thunderstorms or heavy rain not only affects the truck driver’s ability to see potential obstacles, but also increases their fatigue by forcing them to concentrate harder on the road. Finally, high winds can cause trucks to swerve out of control, which could lead to severe accidents if other vehicles are in the vicinity.

Negligent Hiring by the Truck Company

Trucking companies have an obligation to do background and driving history checks before hiring a driver. If they do not do these things, or they do and ignore a poor driving record, then accidents happen.

We Know How To Determine Liability in 18-Wheeler Accidents.

Identifying the cause of commercial trucking accidents can be a challenge. Evidence from the accident scene can quickly disappear. In many cases, more than one party can be held responsible for causing the trucking accident. Our law firm has the skills and legal resources to identify the factors that led to the truck accident. At The Law Offices of John M. McCabe, P.A., we conduct thorough investigations reviewing evidence from the accident scene and evaluating witness statements or police reports.

Our legal team also seeks to track down records from the truck manufacturer, truck company, or shipper. These records can be:

  • fuel tickets
  • dispatch sheets
  • maintenance records
  • logbook records
  • weight limit records
  • and more

We also have extensive experience proving fault against truck manufacturers and shippers for any negligent actions that ultimately caused the trucking accident. We evaluate every angle possible to help us prove fault against all liable parties. Our investigative skills are invaluable in helping us obtain a full financial recovery against all at-fault parties.

Common Injuries Caused By Truck Accidents in Raleigh, NC

Truck accidents in Raleigh can be devastating, leading to severe injuries and even death. The most common types of injuries caused by truck accidents in Raleigh are:

  • back and spine injuries
  • neck injuries
  • concussions
  • traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • sprains
  • and even death

Damages You Can Recover for Your Truck Accident in Raleigh, NC

If you have been involved in a truck accident in Raleigh, NC, you may be entitled to monetary payments and compensation for the personal injuries you suffered. Our experienced Raleigh truck accident attorneys can help you recover damages for your losses. The most common types of damages recovered in these cases include:

  • medical bills paid or reimbursed
  • future medical expenses
  • lost wages and income for time missed at work
  • and pain and suffering/mental anguish.

What a Raleigh Truck Accident Lawyer Can Do For You

When you are involved in a truck accident, it is important to understand that you may not be able to receive the full and fair compensation you deserve without the help of an experienced Raleigh truck accident lawyer. An attorney will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your case and uncover all negligent parties involved. This is especially important when multiple parties may be responsible for the accident, as this means various insurance companies can be involved.

A lawyer has the knowledge and experience to navigate a claim against several insurance companies that are working to preserve their bottom line, which can quickly become a complex matter.

Truck Accident FAQs


To prevent an accident with a truck, make sure you always give the truck plenty of space on the road and keep a safe distance. Be aware of potential blind spots, be patient, and follow all relevant traffic laws. Make sure your vehicle is in good working condition, and never attempt to pass or overtake a truck too quickly. Be conscious of any inclement weather that may affect visibility or traction, and always stay alert when driving near trucks.


After a trucking accident, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately and document the incident. You should contact an experienced lawyer who specializes in semi-truck collisions. This will help you get the fair compensation that you may be entitled to. Additionally, keep records of all costs associated with the accident such as medical bills, repairs, and lost wages.


We work on a contingency basis for personal injury claims such as a fatal car accidents. A contingency fee basis means we do not charge you anything unless we win a settlement in or out of court. This fee structure ensures we work hard for your case and that you don't have even more out-of-pocket expenses during a stressful time. We also offer contingency fee schedules for other practice areas, such as:

Learn More About Your Rights And Options In A Free Consultation

Whether distracted driving or another factor leading to the 18-wheeler accident, obtain experienced legal counsel. Insurance companies often make quick settlement offers without considering accident victims' current and long-term damages. Our priority is to determine all liability factors so you can secure maximum compensation to help you get back on your feet. Contact our law firm today.

FREE Consultations

Call us at (866) 907-1145 24/7 to arrange to speak with a personal injury lawyer about your case, or contact us through the website today.


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